PM Imaging Mgmt., LLC * 2004 upgrade 2015 GE 1.5T HDxT 23 X16 channel MRI
2023 Coldhead A3, 86% Helium, 3 Cabinet System, Wide Open magnet, SRFD2, amps 8916 HFD
Application Software: SW Level: HD23.0_V03_1614.b/c/SP01-D Options: ARC, Asset , Blood Flow & Volume Measurement , Bloodsupp, Bravo Brain stat ASF, Cibo, Cube T2, 3D Dual Echo, EPI, DW EPI, E3DTOF, Echo Planar Imaging Fastcine, Fast Gradient Echo , Flair 3D , Flair EPI, 3DFRFSE, Fast Spin Echo & FLAIR, FSE_XL Time of Flight, Modality Worklist , IDEAL, I Drive, ,I Drive PRO Phase Contrast Vascular Imaging, Probe 2000 Upgrade, ProbePRESS, PROPELLER , DW PROPELLER , T1 Flair , PROPELLER , T2 PROPELLER , T2 Flair ROPELLER ,Ready Brain, Smart Prep , SPECIAL SSFSE, SSFSE MRCP, T2Star Weighted Angiography, Diffusion Tensor ,Three Plane Localizer Fibertrak, TRICKS, IP Protection , 16 Channel System
Coils: HD Knee/Foot Ankle Coil, Quad Knee Coil, HD Wrist Coil, HD TMJ Coil, Coil, 8 Channel Body Coil, 8 Channel CTL Coil, NV Array Coil, 8 Channel Shoulder Coil, HNS 16 Channel, Head/Spine Coil
PM Imaging Mgmt., LLC will not be responsible for any licensing agreements/transferring of OEM software, non-transferable software or missing manuals originally sent with the system.
Located on the West Coast
Available Date: Approx. March 29, 2024