Rental or Purchase * 2005 AK trailer GE 1.5T 16X16 channel Mobile MRI
Helium 70.54 Pressure 1.01 NA – HVAC new Northern Air 2023-24 still under OEM warranty
New Paint and Floor DOT ready
GE 1.5T HDXT 16×16 or 23X 16 channel MRI 2005 AK
Coils Include: Quad Head, 1 Flex Coil 8-Neurovascular, Large Shoulder Array, Quad Knee Extremity, 8- Body Array, 8-CTL Phased Array, 8-Body coil, 8- HR Brain and HNS coil is optional
Software: rev level 16. only has A & B channel port Echo speed plus, ACGD gradients, Detachable table,
Software Options: EPI, FGE, CINE, FSE & FLAIR TOF,PC & VI,SGD_Echospee, dDW EPI, FLAIR EPI, Special, SmartPrep, SSFSE, 3 Plane Loc, Modality Worklist, E3DTOF, FSE_XL, Bloodsupp, Fastcine, Sgdperf, iDrive iDrive pro, iDrive pro plus, SmartPrep 2000, Up, Functool 2, Voxtool IVI, Clariview, PPS, Ultra short TR, T1 & T2, Breathhold, SSFSE MRCP MRCP3, ACGD Plus, FT MRA, Dynamic R1, Fiesta 2D, Fiesta 3D, Asset Navigator, Diff Tensor, 3D FRFSE, Asset Plus,TRICKS, Fiesta-c Propeller DWI, 3D FS Fiesta, 2D FS Fiesta, Propeller T2, 16 Ch System, Lava FiberTrak, Multi-Phase, BF and VM, T2 Map, 2D Merge, Lava-XV Bravo, Cosmic, HDx key, 3D Dual Echo, ARC
Med Rad Injector: Upon Request for an additional charge
PRICE: NOW Taking Offers As is where is. Note: all sales are final. Location: South-East
Inspection: coming off rental Jan 28, 2024*PM Imaging Mgmt. LLC will not be responsible for any licensing agreements/transferring of OEM software, non-transferable software or missing manuals originally sent with the system