PM Imaging Mgmt., LLC * 2011 GE 1.5 OPTIMA 450W 16 Channel MRI System
2011 GE 1.5 OPTIMA 450W 16 Channel MRI System GE Wide Bore Magnet, Serial #HM0135, NON-GEMS System 16 Channel
Software Version DV26.OR05_2008A
8920 Gradient Amp
Coils include: 16 Channel Head/Neck, 12 Channel Body, Split Head, HD Shoulder, 8 Channel Cardiac, HD T/R Knee, HD T/R Extremity, Invivo Breast, and 8 Channel Wrist
Ground Floor Wall Removal
Crane Will Be Needed: Rigging Capped, Pending inspection
System Located: East coast
Available Approx. Feb 28th through March 29th 2023
PRICE: As is where is call or email for pricing and more details..
PM Imaging Mgmt., LLC will not be responsible for any licensing agreements/transferring of OEM software, non-transferable software or missing manuals originally sent with the system.
As is where Note is all sales are final. “Pending inspection”
Kevin Collins, Managing Director *PM Imaging Mgmt., LLC
Phone: 213-276-8209 Fax 866-208-6513 Toll Free: 844-PMIM-MRI
E-Mail: [email protected]